Progress updates 
- 27/1/2025 - Step forward for Elland Access Package.
- 18/11/2024 - Elland Rail Station Access Package project planning approval.
- 17/9/2024 - Procurement for design of Elland access package open.
- 12/9/2024 - 🎉 Elland Future High Streets project complete.
- 9/9/2024 - Contractor appointed for final stage of development at Elland Rail Station.
- 17/7/2024 - Elland Community Hub opens its doors.
- 25/6/2024 - Update on surfacing, street furniture and paving.
- 24/5/2024 - Elland Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) consultation starts this week.
- 12/2/2024 - A bright new future for historic market.
- 24/1/2024 - Have your say as plans for Elland take shape.
- 17/1/2024 - Elland Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) consultation starts this week.
- 15/1/2024 - Update on the progress of the Elland Rail Station project (in development) from WYCA.
- 9/1/2024 - Work is progressing on Elland's new community hub.
- 20/12/2023 - Work is on schedule in Elland as contractors prepare the highway and install new paving.
- 26/9/2023 - Elland transformation takes shape.
- 1/9/2023 - Plans for Elland take a step forward with contractors appointed.
- 22/5/2023 - Council reveals new plans for Elland town centre following local feedback.
- 15/5/2023 - Calderdale Council showcases the best of the borough.
- 9/5/2023 - Planning approval for Elland Rail Station.
- 13/3/2023 - Event showcases new plans to transform the centre of Elland.
- 14/2/2023 - Elland Rail Station and access package updates.
- 3/11/2022 - Impact of national financial crisis on Calderdale projects.
- 12/10/2022 - Moving forward with exciting plans for Elland.
- 3/8/2022 - Moving forward with investment plans for our town centres.
- 8/11/2021 - Have your say on A629 phase 4 walking and cycling Halifax – Huddersfield.
- 26/5/2021 - Multi-million pound boost for Elland and Halifax.
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We are witnessing the rebirth of Elland, this great market town we are all so proud of.
I am very excited to share our vision for Elland’s sustainable future with you.
More than £30m is on its way and we’re getting to work now to make sure that Elland, West Vale and the surrounding area are places where people feel safe, happy, and welcome, where they want to spend time, and where businesses can flourish.
This impressive portfolio of projects is being designed to make life in Elland better so that everyone can live a larger life. There will be new ways to travel around, transformed spaces, and natural features. Our vision for Elland will support people to live healthier more active lives and attract people to live, work and invest in the area, whilst also responding to some of the challenges of climate change.
We know that you will be as interested and invested in the vision for Elland as we are, and we are listening. Please join us, share the vision, take part in project consultations, and keep up to date with progress as we work together to make Elland a better place for everyone.
Councillor Sarah Courtney,
Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Transport

Investing in Elland
More than £30 million pounds of investment is coming to Elland, West Vale, and the surrounding area. We're putting it to work already.
Find out about everything that's happening in Elland.
Building a sustainable future
We're addressing the climate emergency, building new infrastructure for public transport, walking, and cycling so that we can all travel in more sustainable ways.
Our aim is to be a net zero carbon economy by 2038. To do this we need to:
Reduce car trips by 21%
Increase cycling trips by 2000%
Increase walking trips by 78%
Increase bus journeys by 39%
Increase rail trips by 53%
Reference: West Yorkshire Carbon Emission Reduction Pathways 2021

A great place to be
We know that Elland is a great place to live, work, shop, relax, and visit. We want to make sure that Elland is even better for years to come.

A vision for the high street
…at the heart of Elland.

Better journeys
We are creating greener, faster, and easier ways to get around. A new rail station and new and improved options for cycling, walking, and catching the bus.

Talented and enterprising
A place for developing new talent for the future economy and a town centre where people live.

Inclusive growth
Connecting people with employment, education, and training opportunities across West Yorkshire and beyond.
Working with Elland’s unique heritage
Bringing spaces back into use and bring people into the High Street.
Harmonious connectivity
Helping people to get where they need to be.
Boosting the economy of Elland
Preparing Elland for the future economy.