Think you know Halifax?

Millions of pounds of investment is coming to Halifax, and Calderdale Council are putting it to work already. It’s an inspiring time for Halifax – discover your part in it.

A dramatic sunset over Halifax Town Centre

Calderdale Next Chapter

Transforming Calderdale

We're delivering economic regeneration through an unprecedented level of investment, creating a place where people want to invest, live, work, visit and study.

Latest news

Step forward for Elland Access Package

Plans to improve walking and cycling access around Elland and West Vale, including to the planned new Elland Rail Station, are moving forward with the appointment of the contractor to finalise the detailed designs for the project. 

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Cllr Scott Patient outside Halifax Town Hall

Have your say on proposals for Pellon

People are invited to have their say on proposals to make it easier and safer for people of all ages to walk, cycle, rest and play on routes around schools in Pellon, Halifax. 

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Images show Halifax’s new town centre

New images have been released showing how work around Halifax town centre will transform travel, with new safer ways for people to get around and welcoming areas into and around the town centre.

Showtime for new theatre box office

The new box office at the Victoria Theatre, Halifax is now open, as extensive improvement works and upgraded facilities at the venue reach the final stages.

Modern new stalls support a thriving future for Halifax Borough Market

New traders at Halifax Borough Market are making use of the new type of stalls installed as part of wider improvements at the historic building.

To catch up on what has been happening over the past months, you can visit our news section.